Getting the axe

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

7...and a half month pictures.

So a lot of craziness has been happening around here so I'll make that the excuse that she's probably closer to 8 months than 7 for these pictures. Oh well, I can just wait a few extra weeks before taking 8 months.
7 month:
Crawling almost perfectly. Better backwards and army crawl. 
Lifts her bum straight up in the air like she is going to stand. 
Talks all the time. 
Has 2 teeth! 
And first accidental sleepover!
Bryan and I wonder how we ended up with the happiest, easiest baby ever. It'd be cool if they all are like this. 



  1. Melody I hope you are feeling better!! Ruthan told me that she got to hold this sweet, adorable little girl and she does look like her Mommy!!

    That is wonderful that she is so easy going...I have been blessed with premature, super colic babies but I know that my Nephew kody was really easy as a baby :)

  2. haha! She is such a cutie!! I LOVE the bloopers!!! haha

  3. Melody, she is a doll! I still need to see her and squeeze on her! Jax was also the worlds best baby. Never cried, always happy, very laid back...I am here to tell you that the 2nd one is not the same! LOL And yes you should post endless pics of her that IS what moms are for! Glad that you are feeling better and I hope to meet up with you soon!
