Getting the axe

Monday, August 8, 2011

All over DC


The Unknown Soldier & the changing of the guards.

Air & Space museum.

We got to stay with my high school friend Alisha & her cute family.

The US Marine's Memorial Museum at Quantico.

Where Lincoln was shot.

Outside Ford's Theater

The American History museum. I didn't know who the dork was jumping in my picture, my husband, yup dork. Dorothy's shoes. We also saw the first American flag, it was amazing, but you can't take pictures.

The first time to the temple as a couple in DC= Awesome!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


It was our monthiversary yesterday so we went to Red Lobster.

By special request

Disneyland, Huntington Beach, Medieval Knights Dinner, Disneyland, and oh ya the FCCLA National Conference.

Bryan and I got married July 2nd and I had to drop him off at the airport July 6th, then I left to California on July 8th. I went with my students for the FCCLA national competition until July 14th and after a night in the airport I flew into Virginia on the 15th.
Nationals was a great time this year, I got to go with my mom, Janae & Aniston, and some of my favorite students.